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Rabu, 17 Agustus 2011

uA 741 Pre-amplifier Guitar Schematic

uA 741 Pre-amplifier Guitar Schematic

A preamplifier ambit acceptable for aerial impedance blazon electric guitar pickups is accustomed here.The ambit is based on a uA 741 op-amp (IC1).The IC1 is active as a non-inverting amplifier.The POT R1 can be acclimated as a aggregate controller.The POT R6 can be acclimated as accent controller.The about-face S1 is acclimated to aftermath “brilliant” or “soft” tonal effects.


* Assemble the ambit on a acceptable affection PCB or accepted board.

* The amplifier can be powered from a 12V array or 12V DC ability supply.

* Up to 24 V DC can be acclimated to ability the circuit.i acclaim 12 V DC.

* The IC 1 should be army on an IC abject .

Ibanez Wiring Diagram

 Ibanez Wiring Diagram

The following schematic shows 2008 ART Ibanez Wiring Diagram which consists of neck pickup, bridge pickup, neck volume 50K-B, bridge volume 50K-B, 3way-toggle, tone, output, and battery box.

uA 741 Pre-amplifier Guitar Schematic

uA 741 Pre-amplifier Guitar Schematic

A preamplifier ambit acceptable for aerial impedance blazon electric guitar pickups is accustomed here.The ambit is based on a uA 741 op-amp (IC1).The IC1 is active as a non-inverting amplifier.The POT R1 can be acclimated as a aggregate controller.The POT R6 can be acclimated as accent controller.The about-face S1 is acclimated to aftermath “brilliant” or “soft” tonal effects.


* Assemble the ambit on a acceptable affection PCB or accepted board.

* The amplifier can be powered from a 12V array or 12V DC ability supply.

* Up to 24 V DC can be acclimated to ability the circuit.i acclaim 12 V DC.

* The IC 1 should be army on an IC abject .

LM331 Frequency Voltage Converter Circuit

LM331 Frequency Voltage Converter Circuit

LM331 is basically a attention voltage to abundance advocate from National Semiconductors. The IC has a duke abounding of applications like analog to agenda conversion, continued appellation integration, voltage to abundance conversion, abundance to voltage conversion. Wide activating ambit and accomplished breadth makes the IC able-bodied acceptable for the applications mentioned above.

Here the LM331 is active as a abundance to voltage advocate which converts the ascribe abundance into a proportional voltage which is acutely beeline to the ascribe frequency. The abundance to voltage about-face is accomplished by appropriate the ascribe abundance application capacitor C3 and resistor R7 and agriculture the resultant beating alternation to the pin6 (threshold) of the IC. The abrogating activity bend of the resultant beating alternation at pin6 makes the congenital comparator ambit to activate the timer circuit. At any instant, the accepted abounding out of the accepted achievement pin (pin 6) will be proportional to the ascribe abundance and amount of the timing apparatus (R1 and C1). As a aftereffect a voltage (Vout) proportional to the ascribe abundance (Fin) will be accessible beyond the amount resistor R4.


* The ambit can be accumulated on a vero board.

* I acclimated 15V DC as the accumulation voltage (+Vs) while testing the circuit.

* The LM331 can be operated from annihilation amid 5 to 30V DC.

* The amount of R3 depends on the accumulation voltage and the blueprint is R3= (Vs – 2V)/ (2mA).

* According to the equation, for Vs = 15V, R3=68K.

* The achievement voltage depends on the equation, Vout = ((R4)/(R5+R6))*R1C1*2.09V*Fin.

* POT R6 can be acclimated for calibrating the circuit.

Rangkaian Pengontrol Kecepatan Untuk Bor PCB

Rangkaian Pengontrol Kecepatan Untuk Bor PCB
Here is a simple ambit for authoritative the acceleration of DC operated PCB drills. The affection of this ambit is the ICLM3578 which is a actual able chip switching regulator that can be acclimated for applications like this. The LM3578 has abstracted inverting and non inverting acknowledgment inputs (pin1 and pin2), 1V centralized advertence voltage antecedent and a congenital in oscillator circuit. The IC can be configured to access up to 90% assignment cycle. In the circuit, capacitor C2 is the timing capacitor which determines the abundance of the centralized oscillator. The assignment aeon depends on the sum of resistors R1 and R2 and it can be assorted by adjusting the POT R2. The achievement PWM arresting will be accessible at pin 5 of the IC. The Q1 drives the motor M according to the PWM arresting accessible at pin5 and appropriately by capricious the assignment aeon of the PWM beachcomber by capricious POT R2, the acceleration of the motor can be adjusted. The diode D1 is a freewheeling diode which protects the MOSFET Q1 from transients produced by the motor. Capacitor C3 is aloof a clarify capacitor.

Skema Rangkaian Generator Tegangan Tinggi

Rangkaian Generator Tegangan Tinggi

First of all let me admonish you that this ambit is a actual alarming one. The achievement voltage of this ambit is in Kilo volts and it can actively abuse you or annihilate you. Try this ambit alone if you accept abundant acquaintance ambidextrous with aerial voltages. I accept no albatross on any hazards acquired by the circuit. Be actual careful. This is a apprehensive request.
The ambit accustomed actuality has three sections namely oscillator, switching date and a footfall up stage. The oscillator is body about a NE555 timer operating at 25 KHz. The achievement of the NE555 accompanying to the abject of the ability transistor TIP3055 which is the switching device. The ability transistor drives primary of the footfall up agent at 25 KHz and as a aftereffect a aerial voltage will be induced beyond its secondary.
* A 12V advance acerbic array can be acclimated for powering the circuit.
* TIP3055 charge be army on a calefaction sink.
* T1 can be an EHT (extra aerial tension) agent acclimated in television sets.
* For an EHT from 20inch TV, the achievement voltage will be 8 to 10 KV @12V accumulation voltage.
* This ambit is not an able one and is not acceptable for any austere applications.
* Once again, be actual accurate with this circuit!.

Class B 45 Watt Amplifier Circuit Diagram

Class B 45 Watt Amplifier Circuit Diagram

Class B 45 Watt Amplifier Circuit Parts:

R1______________18K 1/4W Resistor
R2_______________3K9 1/4W Resistor
R3,R6____________1K 1/4W Resistors
R4_______________2K2 1/4W Resistor
R5______________15K 1/4W Resistor
R7______________22K 1/4W Resistor
R8_____________330R 1/4W Resistor
R9,R10__________10R 1/4W Resistors
R11,R12_________47R 1/4W Resistors
R13_____________10R 1W Resistor

C1_______________1µF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C2_____________470pF 63V Polystyrene or Ceramic Capacitor
C3______________47µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitor
C4______________15pF 63V Polystyrene or Ceramic Capacitor
C6_____________220nF 100V Polyester Capacitor
C6_____________100nF 63V Polyester Capacitor

D1,D2,D3,D4___1N4148 75V 150mA Diodes

Q1,Q2________BC560C 45V 100mA Low noise High gain PNP Transistors
Q3,Q4________BC556 65V 100mA PNP Transistors
Q5___________BC546 65V 100mA NPN Transistor
Q6___________BD139 80V 1.5A NPN Transistor
Q7___________BD140 80V 1.5A PNP Transistor
Q8__________2N3055 60V 15A NPN Transistor
Q9__________MJ2955 60V 15A PNP Transistor

The main design targets for this amplifier were as follows:
  • Output power in the 40 - 70W range
  • Simple circuitry
  • Easy to locate, low cost components
  • Rugged performance
  • No setup
These goals were achieved by using a discrete-components op-amp driving a BJT complementary common-emitter output stage into Class B operation. In this way, for small output currents, the output transistors are turned off, and the op-amp provides all of the output current. At higher output currents, the power transistors conduct, and the contribution of the op-amp is limited to approximately 0.7/R11. The quiescent current of the op-amp biases the external transistors, and hence greatly reduces the range of crossover.
The idea sprang up from a letter published on Wireless World, December 1982, page 65 written by N. M. Allinson, then at the University of Keele, Staffordshire.
In this letter, op-amp ICs were intended as drivers but, as supply voltages up to +/- 35V are required for an amplifier of about 50W, the use of an op-amp made of discrete-components was then considered and the choice proved rewarding.
The discrete-components op-amp is based on a Douglas Self design. Nevertheless, his circuit featured quite obviously a Class A output stage. As for proper operation of this amplifier a Class B output stage op-amp is required, the original circuit was modified accordingly.
Using a mains transformer with a secondary winding rated at the common value of 25 + 25V (or 24 + 24V) and 100/120VA power, two amplifiers can be driven at 45W and 69W output power into 8 and 4 Ohms respectively, with very low distortion (less than 0.01% @ 1kHz and 20W into 8 Ohms).
This simple, straightforward but rugged circuit, though intended for any high quality audio application and, above all, to complete the recently started series of articles forming theModular Preamplifier Control Center, is also well suited to make a very good Guitar or Bass amplifier.

Basic Power Supply Circuit for 300W Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit

Basic Power Supply Circuit for 300W Subwoofer Amplifier Circuit

The basal ability accumulation is apparent in account above. It is absolutely accepted in all respects. Use a 40-0-40 V transformer, rated at 300VA for accustomed use. For best connected power, a 50-0-50V (500VA or more) agent will be needed. This will accord a connected ability of about 450W, and aiguille ability of over 500W is accessible with a acceptable transformer. Remember my warnings about application the amp in this way, and the charge for the added achievement transistors, big heatsink and fan.

For 115V countries, the agglutinate should be 6A, and in all cases a apathetic draft agglutinate is appropriate because of the arrival accepted of the transformer. For annihilation aloft 300VA, a soft-start ambit is awful recommended (see Project 39).

The accumulation voltage can be accepted to be college than that quoted at no load, and beneath at abounding load. This is absolutely normal, and is due to the adjustment of the transformer. In some cases, it will not be accessible to access the rated ability if the agent is not abundantly rated.

Bridge rectifiers should be 35A types, and clarify capacitors charge be rated at a minimum of 63V (or 75V if you use 70V supplies). Wiring needs to be abundant gauge, and the DC charge be taken from the capacitors - not from the arch rectifier.

Although apparent with 4,700uF clarify capacitors, above ones may be used. Annihilation above 10,000uF is too expensive, and will not advance achievement to any advantageous degree. Probably the best is to use two 4,700uF caps per ancillary (four in all). This will absolutely assignment bigger than a distinct 10,000uF device, and will be cheaper as well.

NOTE: It is capital that fuses are acclimated for the ability supply. While they will not stop the amp from declining (no agglutinate anytime does), they will anticipate adverse accident that would aftereffect from not attention the ambit from over-current conditions. Fuses can be army in fuseholders or can be inline types. The closing are preferred, as the accumulation leads can be kept as abbreviate as possible. Access from alfresco the anatomy is not bare - if the fuses blow, the amplifier is about absolutely damaged.

Volume - Loudness Controls CD and Aux Inputs Circuit Diagram

Volume - Loudness Controls CD and Aux Inputs Circuit Diagram

Here The Part List :

P1______________47K Log. Potentiometer
(twin concentric-spindle dual gang for stereo)

R1,R2,R4_______100K 1/4W Resistors
R3,R14_________560R 1/4W Resistors
R5_______________1K 1/4W Resistor
R6,R7,R10_______10K 1/4W Resistors
R8,R9___________22K 1/4W Resistors
R11_____________68K 1/4W Resistor
R10,R13________220R 1/4W Resistors
R12______________1K5 1/4W Resistor
R13_____________12K 1/4W Resistor

C1_______________1µF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C2,C3__________100pF 63V Polystyrene or Ceramic Capacitors
C4______________47nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C2,C6____________1µF 63V Polyester Capacitors
C5______________22nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C6_____________220pF 63V Polystyrene or Ceramic Capacitor
C7,C10_________100nF 63V Polyester Capacitors
C8,C11___________4µ7 25V Electrolytic Capacitors
C9,C12________2200µF 25V Electrolytic Capacitors

IC1___________TL072 Dual BIFET Op-Amp
IC2___________78L15 15V 100mA Positive Regulator IC
IC3___________79L15 15V 100mA Negative Regulator IC

D1,D2________1N4002 200V 1A Diodes

SW1____________DPDT Toggle Switch
SW2____________2 poles 3 ways Rotary Switch

J1,J2,J3,J5____RCA audio input sockets
J4_____________Mini DC Power Socket

Thunder Bird 7 Metal Detector Robot

Thunder Bird 7 Metal Detector Robot
Thunder Bird 7 is metal detector apprentice that able to ascertain metal like coins, gold, rings, or electric underground cables. The apprentice is congenital based on Arduino. With wireless camera at advanced top of robot, user can adviser the bots hunting the abundance from the abundance chair. The Camera is army to a servo that positions itself to attending and define with laser and video the exact area of metalm during accomplished ascertain process.
Gareth, the apprentice creator, explains that metal detector which is absorbed to the apprentice consists of 2 abstracted detector coils anguish about a ferrite rod. It is affiliated it to Beat-frequency oscillator circuit. When a brownish article disturbs the alluring acreage of the chase coil, the abundance of the chase oscillator accouterment hardly and the detector will aftermath a arresting in the audio abundance range.

USB Hourglass Sand Timer

If you’re attractive accidental cardinal architect activity analysis out this Arduino Based USB Hourglass. The activity combines a beach timer with a alternating apparatus and an optical axle through the centermost of the timer to beam the falling sand. The bulk of ablaze extensive a detector is digitized at common intervals and candy by a microcontroller to actuate back to circle the hourglass. The digitized ablaze levels are additionally beatific by USB to a host PC area they can be acclimated as a antecedent of accidental entropy.
Peter Allan, activity designer, explains that the USB Alarm outputs the raw analog-to-digital advocate readings as 10-bit non-negative integers (0-1023) in argument anatomy at 100 samples per second. The accouterments is able of a college abstracts rate, but there’s not abundant college abundance advice present. Using a bourgeois appraisal of 9 $.25 of anarchy per 10-bit sample, the USB alarm produces 900 bits/second of accurate randomness. For best applications the raw abstracts should be run through a acceptable whitening algorithm

8 Bit Parallel Interface Board With USB

8 Bit Parallel Interface Board With USB
This USB interface lath activity is acclimated to affix 8 (parallel) abstracts curve to the USB. Main basic of this activity is FT245BM. With a baby centralized FIFO (384 byte Tx, 128 bytes Rx) and 4 handshake curve which accomplish it acceptable for interfacing microcontroller designs to the USB. Wolfgang says that you can additionally use it as simple 8bit IO back the bitbang approach is enabled. But in this mode, the $.25 will not appear out in a connected bitrate but in chunks of 64 bytes with defined baud amount followed by a delay.

Electronic Church Bell Controller Circuit

Electronic Church Bell Controller Circuit


1. More 32 altered melodies ( ADAM, PANYGJRJKO, AGJORJKO, etc)

2. Ascendancy of electrometrical alarm of abbey with the assembly of beating of continuance 1Sec anniversary one minute.

3. Automatic alteration in case of ability loss.

4. Percussion of alarm anniversary bisected but additionally absolute hours, with achievability of best of hours of blackout (for day-tripper regions and hours of accepted quietness).

5. Manual alteration of electromechanical clock.

6. All regulations become with the advice of advice (menu, up, down, enter, start, stop)

7. When it runs a accent we accept the achievability of access or abatement her speed,the advice will stored in anamnesis 24LC32.

8. Display of temperature (DS1621).

9. Display time (DS1307), with advancement battery.

10. All the in formations are displayed on 4X20 LCD.

11. Ascendancy up to 6 bells.


This ambit is a abbey alarm controller. Basic basic is an ATmega32 microcontroller. At the ambit 2 24LC32 eeprom memories is actuality used, the 1st for centralized accepted melodies and the 2nd one is for user's compositions. This affection will be provided in the future.

As ascendancy I created a card who will be appeared on 4x20 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). The card browsing can be done by 6 buttons at the face of the circuit's box (Menu, Up, Down, Enter, Start, Stop). The all firmware binds about 19Kbytes beam anamnesis and can be added by abacus new features-functions. This affairs has been writen in C in CVAVR compiler.

The abstraction of this ambit is actuality accustomed by a acquaintance of abundance who has an branch and he is architecture bells. I accept fabricated the PCB by my self.

Oscilloscope Based on PIC18F2550 Microcontroller

Oscilloscope Based on PIC18F2550 Microcontroller


The operating voltage of the ambit is 12V DC. By this voltage, the ability accumulation is bearing 2 voltages. +8.2V for IC1 and +5V for IC2 and IC3. This ambit can admeasurement from +2.5V to -2.5V or from 0 to +5V abased by S1 position (AC or DC input). By application delving with 1:10 analysis you can admeasurement about 10 times college voltages. Moreover, with S2 you can accomplish an added analysis by 2 the ascribe voltage.

Programming The ATmega32

Burn the ATmega32 with AVR_oscilloscope.hex and baddest alien bright at the fuses section.

After that, you Must attenuate the JTAG interface from your ATmega32 microController. If you don't do that, the mega32 will appearance you the antecedent awning and back it go to the oscilloscope awning it will restart anon to the antecedent awning and it will break there for ever.


The alone 2 things you accept to calibrate is the LCD adverse trimmer P2 and the P1, to move the axle at the centermost of the LCD. To do that, administer alone the ability accumulation to the ambit and acclimatize the P2 up to the point you will see bright the appeared pixels on the screen. Then, acclimatize the P1 up to the point the axle is confused at the average of the LCD (at the accumbent band of the cross).


You can move the axle up or bottomward the awning by acute the buttons S8 or S4 appropriately to admeasurement the voltage of the signal. 1 volt is demography up 1 aboveboard height. With S7 and S3 you can access or abatement the altitude speed. This oscilloscope has an automated trigger. That means, if you accept a connected arresting (ex a triagle waveform) the auto activate will assignment perfect. If your arresting is not abiding (ex a consecutive transmittion) you can benumb the awning by acute S6 switch. At his case you can get a snapshoot of your measurment signal. By the time you absolution the S6, the snapshoot will end.

Electronic Safety Lock with Phonecard

Electronic Safety Lock with Phonecard
Circuit description
This ambit its not address any abstracts to the telecard. The ATtiny26 apprehend the 16 aboriginal bytes of telecard and afresh abundance them to centralized eeprom of ATtiny26.
Back you admit any telecard to the aperture (telecard`s base) it will apprenticed the about-face SW1. The ATtiny it will acquire that new agenda admit in the aperture and go to apprehend it. Temporary will save the 16 aboriginal bytes of the agenda to the RAM and afterwards the ATtiny will chase in centralized eeprom to see if this telecard is registered to the system. if not, it will aces the Red LED. The ATtiny acquire 8 groups of 16 bytes each, arbitrary 8*16=128 bytes of eeprom memory.
The ATtiny of this ambit its alive with centralized RC oscillator at 1MHz, that is the absence ambience from the factory.
1. Annals a telecard to the system:
With any telecard in to the slot, columnist the SW2 to annals the agenda to the system. The ATtiny will chase the centralized eeprom for abandoned anamnesis accumulation (1 group=16 bytes with $0F values). If there is abandoned group, it will apprehend the 16 bytes from RAM and abundance them to the eeprom. Then, the ATtiny will reboot, displace the telecard, apprehend it afresh and analysis if the agenda is registered (by analyze the 16 bytes of telecard, with 1 accumulation at the time, with centralized eeprom) .
Now it will awful the Red LED and aces the blooming LED because we acquire annals this telecard to the system. At the aforementioned time it will arm the broadcast affiliated to PB6 pin via BC547.
The centralized eeprom of ATtiny26 is 128 bytes. So, we can annals up to 8 telecards (keys) to this memory.
(8 telecards)*(16 bytes for anniversary telecard)=128 bytes of centralized eeprom
2. Unregister an registered telecard from the system:
If for some acumen we don't appetite to use any of 8 registered telecard, we can unregister it from the system. We acquire to admit this agenda to the slot, the ATtiny acquire it (by aces the blooming led). If we columnist the SW3, the ATtiny will chase to centralized eeprom to acquisition were the 16 bytes are stored and annul them by address the amount $0F to this anamnesis group. Now the ATtiny will reboot, apprehend afresh the telecard, analyze the aboriginal 16 bytes of the agenda with the centralized eeprom and because we acquire unregister this agenda it will aces the red LED. This telecard is unregistered now. We can annals the agenda afresh if we appetite to, by chase the footfall 1.
3. Abolish absolute centralized eeprom of ATtiny26:
If we acquire annals 8 telecards to the arrangement and will try to annals 1 added (9th), back we columnist SW2 to annals the card, the ATtiny it will beam the Red and Blooming LEDs 4 times alternately. The alone way to annals some added telecard, is to unregister some one of 8 registered cards (step 2.) or to abolish absolute eeprom (writing the amount $0F to all locations). To abolish absolute eeprom (128 bytes 0-127) we acquire to columnist the SW3 button with NOT any agenda central to the slot, for 2 seconds, to ensure the ATtiny that we are not columnist the button SW3 by asccident . At this case the ATtiny it will beam the Red LED 4 times. Afterwards that, the centralized eeprom of ATtiny it will cleared.
The ethics of absence centralized eeprom bytes are $FF. If we admit the telecard with amiss pins position (reversely), the ATtiny will apprehend 16 bytes with $FF ethics because of centralized pullup resistor of PB4. If we let the eeprom to absence amount ($FF), back we admit any agenda (anything with telecards dimensions) aloof to columnist the about-face SW1, the ATtiny will apprehend 16 bytes with $FF amount (because centralized pullup resistor of PB4) and will arm the relay. By set the eeprom to $0F value, at the appearance of programming the safety_lock.eep book of ATtiny, we assure the arrangement from this mistakes.
You can alter the $0F amount of the antecedent cipher with the amount of your choice, for archetype $AB or $CF etc. Remeber to alter all the $0F ethics of the antecedent code, not alone the 128 bytes of eeprom. The telecard abject and the capital ambit are body them to altered boards for added article .

Circuit Notes

All of the circuits on the PCB are configured so that when the photosensors are dark, the output of the 556 timers will be HIGH.
*The release delay times of each 556 timer can be changed by selecting suitable combination values for the R7/C2, R8/C3, R9/C4 and R10/C5 pairs.
*The LM339 input detection voltage levels for the circuit as shown is set at 1/2 of the supply voltage. If a lower or higher detection level voltage is needed, the values of resistors R5 and R6 can be changed to suit.
*NOTE When power is applied to the circuit, the outputs of the 556 timers will be HIGH for 1 release delay time period. (Until the timing capacitors have charged to 2/3rds of the supply voltage.)
There are RESET inputs for each LM556. These inputs do not have terminal block connections but do have pads with holes to solder wires to if needed. The RESET inputs could be used to force the outputs of the 556 timers LOW until the timing capacitors have fully charged after power is applied to the circuit but an external timer would be needed to accomplish this.
*This circuit does not require a regulated power supply and can operate on supply voltages of up to 15 volts.
*For information on other light detector circuits, see Light Activated Detector Circuits at this site.
*For more general information on Voltage Comparators see the Voltage Comparator Information page at this site.
*For more general information on LM556 timers see the 555 Timer Information page at this site.
*WARNING - If the polarity of the power supply for this circuit is reversed or the circuit is connected to an AC or DCC source this circuit will be damaged. The maximum supply voltage for this circuit is 15 Volts.


This is so advantageous ambit diagram because this ambit helps us to ascertain water.When the baptize appear and blow the sensors it will accomplish a sound.Here I accept acclimated accepted transistor bc109. Actually you can adapt this circuit.. By application a broadcast you can about-face on or off your baptize motor I will acquaint you them in my abutting post.

Note# Use 6V to power this circuit# The distance between the circuit and the sensors should be short.# Build this circuit on a pcb to get good result.


This device is fully functional sound card for PC. The main advantage of using PCM2704 against PCM2702 is much easier construction. As you can see on the block diagram it has built-in 5V and 3.3 voltage regulator, HID interface (MUTE, VOL+, VOL-), S/PDIF output. The circuit can be powered directly from USB port. Next advantage is that the output DAC is able to drive directly 32ohms headphones, but the output power is only 12mW. For all details please refer to the PCM2704 datasheet. The schematic is very simple. It is almost copy of the datasheet circuit diagram. You can see the core IC PCM2704 (U1), crystal with supporting parts (X1, C1, C2, R1), connection to the USB (USB connector, R2, R3,R4, L1), a lot of blocking capacitors for all voltages (C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, C8), S/PDIF output header (J1), HID header (J2), output filter (R5, C11, R6, C12, R7, R8), coupling capacitors (C9, C10) and output 3.5mm Jack connector (J3).

I designed my own PCB. The dimensions of the PCB are 55x18mm, including USB and Jack connector it is 73x18mm. To keep the size as small as possible 0805 size of capacitors and resistors were used. The L1 is ferrite bead which reduce high frequency hum. With good soldering iron and litle experience it is possible to assembly the PCB by hand.

I built two pieces of this sound card. I have tested the sound card under Windows XP and Windows Vista and it works without any problem. I wanted to use this device for my Internet radio receiver, which I'm building according to the project published on The receiver is based on Asus WiFi router WL-520GU with OpenWrt Linux distribution. The sound card works under the Linux as well, but it stop and start playing the sound periodically (the period varied from few minutes to one hour). I guess it is driver problem (if somebody has any idea how to fix it I will be very grateful).

You can ask me why to build this sound card when you can buy similar device for few bucks. I have also one sound card from China which cost around 5$ but the quality of the sound is very bad, so the main difference is sound quality.


Here is the circuit diagram of a simple subwoofer filter that can be operated from a 12V DC supply. Such a circuit is very useful in automobile subwoofer applications. The circuit is nothing but a low pass filter whose pass frequency can be adjusted between 60 to 160 Hz.
The circuit is designed around the TL072 dual BIFET opamp IC. Out of the two opamps inside the chip, IC1A is wired as a buffer. The left and right audio inputs after mixing is fed to the input of the IC1A using the DPDT switch S1. Switch S1 is the phase control switch which can be used to make the subwoofer in phase with other speakers. When S1 is in position 2, 180 degree phase shift will be induced.POT R7 can be used for controlling the level. IC1B forms the low pass filter whose pass frequency can be controlled by adjusting the dual gang POT R13.

  • Assemble the circuit on a good quality PCB.
  • The circuit can be powered from 12V DC.
  • IC1 must be mounted on a holder.
  • S1 is a DPDT switch.
  • R13 should be a dual gang linear POT.
  • C5 and C6 must be polyester capacitors.
  • POT R13 can be used for adjusting the pass frequency.
  • POT R7 can be used for adjusting the level.


AT89S8252 Electronic Voting Machine Circuit Diagram
Now-a-days Electronic voting machines are being used effectively. The confidence of the voter in its flawless working is gradually building up and these machines are thus becoming quite popular throughout the country.

Features of the electronic voting machine include avoidance of invalid votes and reduction of counting time and the consequent expenditure incurred on manpower deployment. By using the Microcontroller the voting machine can be built up easily and it will make simple to operate.


Infrared transmitter and receiver circuit shown in the schematic diagram below can be used as remote control. The transmitter is basically an oscillator circuit, and the frequency can be adjusted using R1 potentiometer (or trimmer pot). This oscillation makes sure if the signal can be distinguished from other source by the receiver.

The receiver is actually a bandpass filter which filter out noise signal. The frequency of this filter is determined by L and C in the feedback path (from output to inverting input of the op-amp). D1 is inserted in the feedback path to enable rectifying very small signal, since the op-amp feedback mechanism will compensate the forward drop voltage of the diode. The last op-amp is employed as a comparator, with the threshold is adjustable via R3 potentiometer. The op-amp should be supplied with + and – 12Volt, and the R3 potentiometer should be supplied with -12V. [Circuit's schematic diagram source:]


A digital clock is 1 that displays time digitally. The circuit explained here displays time with two ‘minutes’ digits and two ‘seconds’ digits on four seven segment displays. The seven segment and switches are interfaced with 8051 microcontroller AT89C51. This circuit may be used in vehicles, houses, offices and many others. The moment the Vcc supply is supplied to this circuit, the clock begins from 00:00. Time is displayed on four 7 segments (in frequent anode configuration) by utilizing the notion of multiplexing. That is reached by utilizing timer interrupt (Timer0) of AT89C51 which is configured to refresh 7 segments. The segments are refreshed numerous periods in the 2nd for simultaneous show. The clock runs which has a delay of precisely a single 2nd. Timer1 is used to produce a time delay of a single second. The info pins (a-h) of the many segments are interconnected and get signal from port P2 in the microcontroller. The control or allow pins (popular anode) are connected to pins 1-4 of port P1 (P1^0 - P1^3).

The number on 4th section (displaying the unit digit of 2nd) is incremented as soon as in the 2nd since it goes from 0 to nine. The range on 3rd section is incremented just after every 10 seconds from 0 to 5. Hence seconds are displayed different from 00 to 59. The digit to the 2nd section variations after every 60 seconds (a minute) from 0 to nine etc. So the clock runs for an hour and following that it resets to zero once more

Rangkaian Lampu darurat (IC NE555)

Rangkaian Lampu darurat (IC NE555)

 Skema Rangkaian Lampu Emergency IC 555

Emergency Lamp With 555 is a single option for lighting in the course of electrical power outages. With Emergency Lamp Sequence 555 uses a 12VDC voltage source that can be provided from your 12V battery. Emergency Lamp 555 Sequence With these incredibly very simple and easy to make because each of the components simply accessible from the market place. Emergency Lamp Sequence With this particular 555 can flip to the light 5W-10W. The circuit is developed with the astable multivibrator together with the IC 555 that is certainly employed to mendrive transformer by way of Q1. For extra details is often viewed right in the series Emergency Lamp With 555 follows.

Functioning frequency range of 555 Emergency Lamp With this particular set of configurations R1, R2 and C2. T1 in sequence Emergency Lamp With 10V 500mA 555 is actually a transformer. Secondary element (0-10V) is connected for the Q1 to get offered the signal from your multivibrator. Then the primary (0-220V) is linked on the lamp.

TV Hologram

Memulai tahun baru, informasi tentang teknologi terbaru 2011 sudah banyak beredar. Dan kali ini saya coba untuk sharing salah satunya. Setelah ditahun 2010 kemarin ada teknologi aneh tentang peti mati, sekarang yang lagi santer nih informasi tentang teknologi TV hologram.

Memulai awal tahun 2011, apple berencana segera mengembangkan televisi dan layar yang menghasilkan gambar hologram tanpa perlu kacamata khusus. Teknologi ini terungkap terkait dengan paten terbaru.

Sebuah paten Apple terbaru mengungkapkan bahwa perusahaan yang memproduksi iPod dan iPhone ini sedang bekerja untuk menciptakan layar yang mampu menghasilkan gambar tiga dimensi dan hologram tanpa kaca mata. Teknologi ini akan memberikan pengalaman yang lebih realistik kepada pengguna.

Paten Apple itu mengklaim bahwa teknologi itu akan menciptakan gambar yang muncul secarahologram dan memiliki kemampuan melacak gerakan mata khalayak.

Teknologi TV hologram ini merupakan aspek yang luar biasa dari penemuan karena menghasilkan pengalaman virtual yang tidak bisa dibedakan dari melihat gambar hologram sebenarnya.

Televisi tiga dimensi akan menjadi tren teknologi terbaru 2011 setelah para produsen siap meluncurkan televisi 3D dan pemutar blu-ray.

Senin, 15 Agustus 2011



Komputer merupakan perangkat elektronik yang sudah tidak asing lagi di kalangan anak-anak hingga orang dewasa, tentunya dengan tingkat pemahaman dan penggunaan yang berbeda-beda.
Apa itu Komputer?
Untuk memudahkan pemahaman, sebuah komputer dapat dianalogikan sebagai manusia. Secara normal manusia hidup mempunyai bentuk fisik dan non-fisik. Bentuk fisik tersebut terdiri atas bagian-bagian yang mempunyai fungsi berbeda, seperti kepala, tangan, telinga, dll. Susunan dan letak bagian-bagian fisik hingga membentuk tubuh manusia dapat dikatakan sebagai arsitektur manusia.

Bentuk fisik saja tidak dapat disebut sebagai manusia hidup secara normal. Untuk dapat disebut manusia yang hidup maka perlu adanya roh atau nyawa, sebagai bentuk non-fisik. Bentuk non-fisik lainnya seperti akal pikiran dan perasaan yang akan memperkerjakan bagian-bagian fisik untuk aplikasi atau aktifitas tertentu sesuai dengan kehendak akal pikiran dan perasaan itu sendiri.
Demikian juga dengan komputer juga mempunyai bagian fisik yang disebut Hardware dan non-fisik yang disebut sebagai Software/Program Komputer.

Arsitektur Komputer
Analog dengan manusia, komputer juga mempunyai bagian-bagaian yang mempunyai fungsi berbeda-beda. Susunan letak dan hubungan antar bagian-bagian hingga membentuk tubuh komputer disebut sebagai arsitektur komputer. Atau dengan kata lain arsitektur komputer merupakan pengorganisasian bagian-bagain fungsional sebuah komputer.
Pada prinsipnya sebuah sistem komputer terdiri dari 3 bagian utama, yaitu:
Sistem komputer ini baru akan bekerja apabila ada program komputer yang berisi instruksi yang memerintahkan CPU.

CPU (Central Prosessing Unit)

CPU merupakan bagian fungsional yang utama dari sebuah sistem komputer, dapat dikatakan bahwa CPU merupakan otak dari sebuah komputer. Di dalam CPU inilah semua kerja komputer dilakukan.
Hal-hal yang perlu dilakukan CPU adalah:

1.     Membaca, mengkodekan dan mengeksekusi instruksi program
2.     Mengirim data dari dan ke memori, serta dari dan ke bagian input/output.
3.     Merespon interupsi dari luar.
menyediakan clock dan sinyal kontrol kepada sistem.
Dalam melakukan hal-hal di atas, jelas CPU perlu menyimpan data untuk sementara waktu. CPU perlu mengingat lokasi instruksi terakhir sehingga CPU akan dapat mengambil instruksi berikutnya. CPU perlu menyimpan instruksi dan data untuk sementara waktu pada saat instruksi sedang dieksekusi.Dengan kata lain, CPU memerlukan memori internal berukuran kecil yang disebut Register.
Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) berfungsi membentuk operasi-operasi aritmatika dan logic terhadap data Register menyimpan data sementara dan hasil operasi ALU.
Control unit menghasilkan sinyal,, yang akan mengontrol operasi ALU, dan pemindahan data ke ALU atau dari ALU.


Adalah bagian fungsional komputer yang berfungsi untuk menyimpan program dan data.

RAM (Random Access Memory)
Adalah memori yang dapat dibaca atau ditulisi. Data dalam sebuah RAM bersifat volatile, artinya data akan terhapus bila catu daya dihilangkan. Karena sifat RAM yang volatile ini, maka program computer tidak tersimpan di RAM. RAM hanya digunakan untuk mcnyimpaii data seinantara, yang ticlak begilu vital saal aliran daya terpiilus.

ROM (Read Only Memory)

adalah memori yang hanya dapat dibaca. Data yang tersimpan dalam ROM bersifat non-volatile, artinya data tidak akan lerhapus meskipun catu daya IcrpuWis. Kaicna sil'alnya yang dcinikiaii, maka ROM dipergunakan untuk menyimpan program. Ada beberapa tipe ROM, diantaranya ROM murni, PROM, dan EPROM. PROM (Programmable ROM) adalah ROM yang dapat diprogram sendiri oleh pemakai

RAM Chip

ROM Chip


Untuk melakukan hubungan dengan piranti di luar sistem komputer membutuhkan perantara I/O. Perangkat I/O sebagai jembatan penghubung antara mikrokomputer dengan piranti di luar system dapat menerima data dari mikrokomputer dan dapat pula memberi data ke mikrokomputer.

Ada dua macam perantara I/O, yaitu piranti untuk hubungan serial (UART-universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter) dan piranti untuk hubungan paralel (PlO-paralel input output).


Sebuah komputer akan bekerja apabila mendapat instruksi-inslruksi yang dikcmas dalam sebuah program. Semua instruksi, tersebut diproses oleh komputcr di CPU. Microproscsor dari CPU hanya akan mengeksckusi instruksi yang dikenali. Instruksi-instruksi ini dikenal sebagai instruksi mesin (machine instruction) atau inslruksi komputer (computer instruction).

Kumpulan fungsi yang dapat dieksekusi CPU disebut set instruksi (instruction set) CPU.

Untuk mengetahui tentang instruksi mesin perlu diketahui:

Bilangan Biner
Bilangan biner merupakan bilahgan dengan dasar 2, yang memiliki lambaing bilangan 0 dan 1.

Berikut ini padanan bilangan biner dengan bilangan desimal.

Setiap bit dalam bilang biner memiliki bobot nilai sendiri-sendiri. Bobot nilai bit ke-0 adalah 1, bobot nilai bit ke-1 adalah 2, dan seterusnya.
Bit ke..
Bobot nilai

bilangan biner 1101, memiliki nilai desimal:





(1 x 8)
(1 x 4)
(0 x 2)
(1 x 1)
Dalam bahasa instruksi mesin bilangan ini diberi huruf B pada akhir bilangan, misalnya 1101B.

Bilangan Heksadesimal

Bilangan Heksadesimal merupakan bilang berbasil 16, dengan lambang bilangan

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

Huruf A - F mewakili bilangan desimal 10-15. Bilangan Heksadesimal banyak dipakai dalam system computer karena setiap digit bilangan heksadesimal mewakili 4-bit bilangan biner. Dengan demikian, 1 byte (8 bit) bilangan biner dapat ditulis dengan 2 digit bilangan heksadesimal



Agar dapat dieksekusi, setiap instruksi harus berisi informasi yang diperlukan oleh CPU. Informasi itu dituangkan dalam elcmen-elemen instruksi:

  • Operation Code/Kode Operasi: menspesifikasikan operasi yang akan dilakukan (misalnya, ADD).
    Operasi dispesifikasikan oleh kode biner, yang dikenal sebagai kode operasi, atau opcode.
  • Source Operand Reference/Referensi Operand Sumber: operasi dapat mencakup satu atau lebih sumber, operand merupakan input bagi operasi.
  • Result Operand Reference/Reference Operand Hasil: operasi dapat membuat hasil operasi.
  • Next Instruction Reference/Reference Operand Selanjutnya: elemen ini memberitahu CPU posisi instruksi berikutnya yang harus diambil setelah menyelesaikan eksekusi suatu instruksi.
Sumber dan hasil operand dapat berada di salah satu dari ketiga daerah di bawah ini:
  • Memori utama atau memori virtual: dengan referensi alamat berikutnya, maka alamat memori utama atau virtual harus diketahui.
  • Register CPU: instruksi harus diberi nomor register yang dimaksud.
  • Perangkal I/O: instruksi harus menspesifikasikan modul I/O yang diperlukan oleh operasi.


Dalam komputer, instruksi direpresentasikan oleh sekumpulan bit. Dalam penulisan format instruksi (instruction format) biasanya dibagi dalam beberapa kolom berkaitan dengan elemen-elemen yang akan mengisi instruksi.

Apa Itu Mnemonic?
singkatan-singkatan yang mcngindikasikan suatu operasi yang merupakan representasi dari opcode.

Add (penambahan)
Substract (pengurangan)
Muatkan data dari memori
Increment (penambahan dengan satu)

Artinya menambah secara langsung 8 bit data ke dalam isi akumulator dan menyimpan hasil di akumulator.
Operand juga dapat direpresentasikan secara simbolik.

Artinya tambahkan nilai lokasi Y ke isi register R F'emrogram dapat mendahului dengar definisi-definisi: X = 513,Y = 514, dst. Program akan mengkonversikan opcode dan refercnsi operand menjadi bentuk biner, akhirnya akan membentuk instruksi mesin biner.

  • Data Processing/Pengolahan Data: instruksi-instruksi aritmetika dan logika.
  • Data Storage/Penyimpanan Data: instruksi-instruksi memori.
  • Data Movement/Perpindahan Data: instruksi I/O.
  • Control/Kontrol: instruksi pemeriksaan dan percabangan.
Instruksi aritmetika (arithmetic instruction) memiliki kemampuan untuk mengolah data numeric. Sedangkan instruksi logika (logic instruction) beroperasi pada bit-bit word sebagai bit, bukan sebagai bilangan. Operasi-operasi tersebut dilakukan terutama dilakukan untuk data di register CPU.

Instruksi-inslruksi memori diperlukan untuk memindah data yang terdapat di memori dan register.

Instruksi-instruksi I/O diperlukan untuk memindahkan program dan data kedalam memori dan mengembalikan hasil komputasi kepada pengguna.

Instruksi-instruksi control digunakan untuk memeriksa nilai data, status komputasi dan mencabangkan ke set instruksi lain.


Jumlah opcode suatu mesin akan sangat berbeda dengan jumlah opcode mesin lainnya. Akan tetapi, jenis operasi pada semua mesin memiliki kesamaan.
Penggolongan jenis operasi yang umum adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Operasi Transfer Data
  • Operasi Aritmetika
  • Operasi Logika
  • Operasi Percabangan
  • Operasi Pemindahan Kontrol
  • Operasi I/O

Kumpulan instruksi-instruksi ini dikenal dengan set instruksi.


Sebuah komputer yang hanya terdiri dari perangkat keras CPU, monitor (perangkat output), dan keyboard (perangkat input), belum dapat dikatakan sebagai komputer. Karena dengan hardware saja komputer itu belum dapat hidup, apalagi untuk aplikasi kerja tertentu. Analog manusia secara normal sebuah komputer hams mempunyai roh atau nyawa yaitu berupa program sistem operasi dan program aplikasi melakukan aktifitas tertentu sesuai dengan aplikasi programnya.

Memberikan program kepada komputer biasanya kita kenal dengan Install.

Program Sistem Operasi Komputer

Adalah program yang berfungsi sebagai roll sebuah komputer sehingga komputer dapat mengatur sistem kerja dan mengaktifkan hubungan antar komponen-komponen perangkat keras.

Ada beberapa program sistem operasi yang telah dikenal diantaranya, contoh:

  • Program DOS
  • Program Windows
  • Program Linux, dll.

Program Aplikasi Komputer

Meskipun sebuah komputer telah diberi program sistem operasi, komputer belum dapat dipakai dengan optimal oleh pengguna. Komputer dapat dipergunakan untuk fungsi tertentu setelah diberi program aplikasinya. Dengan kata lain, Program Aplikasi Komputer berfungsi sebagai perantara pengguna dengan komputer untuk fungsi tertentu (sebagai program interface user).

  • Program MS Office, untuk kuperluan ketik
    dan perkantoran.
  • Program AdobePhotoshop, untuk keperluan
    membuat atau meng-edit gambar.
  • dll.

Suatu program aplikasi komputer tidak selalu dapat diaplikasikan pada semua program sistem operasi. Program aplikasi komputer juga mempunyai syarat standar hardware.


MS Word 2000, mempunyai syarat hardware
  • minimal Pentium 133
  • minimal RAM 16 MB untuk Windows 95/98
  • minimal RAM 32 MB untuk Windows 2000


Bahasa pemrograman adalah bahasa-bahasa yang digunakan oleh seorang untuk programer membuat program-program aplikasi sistem komputer maupun sistem mikrokontroler.
Sekarang ini telah banyak bahasa-bahasa pemrograman yang telah kita kenal mulai dari bahasa assembler sampai dengan bahasa pemrograman tingkat tinggi seperti, delphi, C++, Pascal, dan lain-lain.


Prosesor dari sebuah komputer hanya dapat mengeksekusi program yang menggunakan instruksi-instruksi yang dapat dikenalinya. Instruksi-instruksi tersebut adalah instruksi mesin. Instruksi mesin ini berupa kode-kode biner.

Bagaimana program dieksekusi?

Semua bahasa pemrograman, baik bahasa assembler maupun bahasa tingkat tinggi yang digunakan akan dirubah menjadi bentuk kode biner oleh sebuah compiler yang biasanya sudah tersedia dalam sebuah bahasa pemrograman, kemudian disimpan dalam memori program.

Kode biner

Listing memori program
Op Code







Isi akumulator dengan data B4
komplemen isi akumulator
simpan hasil di alamat memori 2100H


KODE BINER ASCII (American Standart Code for Information Interchange)




010 0000
010 0001

010 0010
010 0011
010 0100
010 0101
010 0110
010 0111
010 1000
010 1001
010 1010
010 1011
010 1100
010 1101
010 1110
010 1111
011 0000
011 0001
011 0010
011 0011
011 0100

011 0101
011 0110
011 0111
011 1000
011 1001




100 0001

100 0010
100 0011
100 0100
100 0101
100 0110
100 0111
100 1000
100 1001
100 1010
100 1011
100 1100
100 1101
100 1110
100 1111
101 0000
101 0001
101 0010
101 0011
101 0100

101 0101
101 0110
101 0111
101 1000
101 1001
101 1010

Tabel Instruksi Set


Memindah data dari sumber ke tujuan
Memindah data dari prosesor ke memori
Memindah data dari memori ke prosesor
Menukar data sumber dengan data tujuan
Memindah data 0 ke tujuan
Memindah data 1 ke tujuan
Memindah data dari sumber ke bagian paling atas stack
Memindah data dari bagian paling atas stack ke tujuan


Menghitung jumlah dua buah operand
Menghitung pengurangan dua buah operand
Menghitung perkalian dua buah operand
Menghitung pembagian dua buah operand
Mengganti operand dengan nilai absolutnya
Mengganti tanda operand
Menambah 1 ke operand
Mengurang 1 ke operand


Melakukan operasi logika terhadap bit
Meiakukan operasi logika terhadap bit
Melakukan operasi logika terhadap bit
Melakukan operasi logika terhadap bit
Menguji kondisi tertentu; setting flag berdasarkan hasil
Membandingkan logika atau aritmatika dua buah operand
Menggeser bit ke kanan/kiri
Menggeser ke kanan/kiri dengan ujung terjalin

JUMP Bersyarat
JUMP ke Subrutine

Pemindahan tanpa syarat
Pemindahan dengan syarat
Melompat ke program lain diluar program utama
Kembali ke program utama, biasanya akhir dari subi utin
Mengambil operand dari lokasi tertentu dan mengeksekusi
Menghentikan eksekusi program
Menghentikan eksekusi, melanjutkan program bila syarat terpenuhi
Tidak ada operasi tapi eksekusi jalan terus

INPUT (read)

Memindah data dari perangkat I/O ke alamat tertentu
Mengirim data dari sumber tertentu ke perangkat I/O
Memindah instruski ke prosesor I/O untuk mengawali operasi I/O
Mengirim status dari sistem I/O ke tujuan tertentu

Untuk mengetahui tentang prinsip dasar komputer dan bagaimana komputer bekerja, perlu diketahui tentang hal-hal berikut:

Bagaimana instruksi program diubah menjadi instruksi mesin?

Setiap huruf yang membentuk instruksi (Mnemonic) dari bahasa pcmrograman mempunyai kode biner yang biasanya menggunakan standar ASCII. Kode-kode biner dari huruf tersebut kemudian ditranslasikan menjadi bentuk biner.

Contoh: instruksi CMA ; komplemenkan isi akumulator

Bentuk fisik saja tidak dapat disebut sebagai manusia hidup secara normal. Untuk dapat disebut manusia yang hidup maka perlu adanya roh atau nyawa, sebagai bentuk non-fisik. Bentuk non-fisik lainnya seperti akal pikiran dan perasaan yang akan memperkerjakan bagian-bagian fisik untuk aplikasi atau aktifitas tertentu sesuai dengan kehendak akal pikiran dan perasaan itu sendiri.
Demikian juga dengan komputer juga mempunyai bagian fisik yang disebut Hardware dan non-fisik yang disebut sebagai Software/Program Komputer.

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